Purpose of this  Blog [Experience]

I am taking a Web2.0 course, and it really got me thinking about all the tools and widgets that are out there that I’m not aware of and not taking advantage of ……SO……The focus of this [ Blog ] is Web 2.0 , it provides everyone with opportunities to comment/suggest.  I will be using  Web2.0 tools, as well as examine and experiment  the implications and applications of these tool.

[[ Audio ]]

[[My Blogs Guide-PDF]]

View more presentations from sara967.

– The Top Tabs are divided in to:


  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Blogs
  4. Media Sharing
    1. Photo Sharing
    2. Video Sharing
    3. Audio Sharing
    4. Presentation Sharing
  5. Micro-Blogging
  6. Podcasts
    1. Audio Podcasts
    2. Video Podcasts
  7. RSS
  8. Social Bookmarking
  9. Social Networking
  10. Web2.0
    1. SidebarsWeb2.0 News
    2. Web2.0 Tools [Additional]
  11. Wikis

2. Right Sidebar/Left Sidebar

You’ll also notice that Additional widgets and material are available on the right sidebar.

3. Center Space

[Home page] You will find a Welcoming Note and a continuous change of material [I will be changing my blog constantly, since there is so much to learn about my topic.]  The more I learn the more I will post. ^_^

[For the rest of My blog] you will  see updated post, containing information, videos, pictures..etc about Web2.0.


Please  Feel free to give me your feedback!  [post  your thoughts and comments]

* Copyright Note: Click on the images/videos to clearly see the author’s note and copyright.

[All videos ” …  in Plain English” are from Common Craft]

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